
to open science
Yu, Y. J.; Atwal, J. K.; Zhang, Y.; Tong, R. K.; Wildsmith, K. R.; Tan, C.; Bien-Ly, N.; Hersom, M.; Maloney, J. A.; Meilandt, W. J.; Bumbaca, D.; Gadkar, K.; Hoyte, K.; Luk, W.; Lu, Y.; Ernst, J. A.; Scearce-Levie, K.; Couch, J. A.; Dennis, M. S.; Watts, R. J. . (2014). Therapeutic bispecific antibodies cross the blood-brain barrier in nonhuman primates. Science Translational Medicine, 6(261), 261ra154–261ra154. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.3009835 
An interview with Sci-Hub Founder Alexandra Elbakyan,Who exactly should pay for academic research